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Craft a finished story in 6 weeks for Teen-Preneurs

Teens will craft a finished story in 6 weeks. Students will be led through story writing concepts, character development, ... Show more
3 Students enrolled
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Craft a finished story in 6 weeks. Students will be led through story writing concepts, character development, story arc, intros, and more. The emphasis of the class is on creative story development for students to practice getting their ideas down on the page, regardless of writing level.

Students will share their story ideas with each other and break out into teams to develop the final versions of their stories. By the end of class students will have completed the full story writing process culminating in a final story. Stories will then be compiled into a digital class book for each student to enjoy.

6 Week Story Lab – Wednesdays – January 6, 13, 20, 27, February 3, 10, 2021. Classes will be held via Zoom. Times based on timezone:

  • 3pm PST
  • 4pm MST
  • 5pm CST
  • 6pm EST

Live/virtual classes, featured program and video tutorials are absolutely fantastic! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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What materials are needed for this class?
Students will need a notebook for handwritten exercises and notes, and computers with Microsoft Word or Google Docs to write their story.
What is the focus of a creative writing class?
The purpose of a creative writing class is to stimulate the imagination and encourage the practice of writing. The emphasis will be on story development and getting ideas down on paper. The focus of the class is not on the mechanics of the English language (i.e. grammar, spelling, etc.), but rather fostering creativity and the process of creating a story from beginning to end. The goal is to share the joy of writing and creativity.
Will there be homework?
Yes! Every week students will be assigned homework that will lead them through the process of creating a finished story in 6 weeks.
Craft a finished story in 6 weeks for Teen-Preneurs
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Course details
Duration 6 weeks
Lectures 22
Video 60 min each class
Level Beginner
Full lifetime access
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