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Drawing Mike Wazowski from Monster Inc singing

Learn from our tutorials and classes how to sketch and paint a digital art illustration of Mike Wazowski from Monster Inc movie using procreate.
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Let’s learn together step-by-step how to create a digital portrait illustration of Mike Wazowski from the Disney film Monsters, Inc using procreate.

Mike Wazowski is the deuteragonist of the 2001 Disney Pixar animated film Monsters, Inc. and the protagonist of its 2013 prequel. He is an employee of Monsters, Incorporated, where he works closely with his longtime partner Sulley.

The top scarer is James P. “Sulley” Sullivan (John Goodman). He is the best in the business. With the help of his assistant Mike Wazowski (Billy Crystal), they are about to break the record for most screams collected. In 2nd place on the list is Randall Boggs (Steve Buscemi). He will stop at nothing to be in first place. One night, Mike is in a hurry to get out since he has a date with his girlfriend Celia Mae (Jennifer Tilly) to celebrate her birthday at a fancy restaurant that he just reserved. He forgets to finish his paperwork though, so Sulley says he will go back in to get it. Sulley goes back to the scare floor, now deserted, except for one door that’s still on the floor. Sulley is curious, so he peeks inside the door into a child’s room, where no one’s inside. Suddenly, he hears a thumping sound caused by his tail, and as he turns around he notices a cute little human girl playing with it, not scared of Sulley at all and in fact, thinks he is cute. Sulley is terrified of her and tries to put her back into her room before anyone finds out. Quickly, he runs out the door, back to the scare floor, and into the bathroom to get as far away from the girl as he can. When he looks into the mirror, however, he discovers that the girl is on his back.

Sulley takes the girl back to her door again, but when he goes back to the scare floor, Randall and his assistant are looking in the door, upset that the girl isn’t there. They send the door back to the door warehouse. Sulley places the girl in a suitcase and heads out to the restaurant to find Mike. He interrupts Mike and Celia’s dinner and shows Mike what he has in the suitcase, but both realize that the girl inside got out, sending the whole restaurant in panic. The CDA arrive, and the patrons are panicking and running, terribly fearful of the girl.

By the end of this course, you`ll know how to set up and use the fur effect, brushes, understand how layers works, colors, shadings, lighting effects and more… This guide shows you how to create a new level skills in drawing blending skin filling effects. This quick start guide shows you the basic, and step-by-step from the sketching to the drawing, filling to get the realistic effect.

Live/virtual classes, featured program and video tutorials are absolutely fantastic! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Safe Self-Learning Tutorials

Benefits of our Tutorials:

– No video Advertisement
– Safe learning experience
– Learn digital techniques
– Safe for schools environment
– Structure content curriculum
– Specific for students ages & levels
– Question enable in each tutorial
– Content control restricted for kids
– Distraction advertising Free
– Drawing warm-up exercises available
– Sketch line-art guide to be downloaded

Academic Achievement

– Sketch, Paint & Create Digitally
– Create Comics Graphic Novels
– Draw digital Illustrations
– Learn Procreate App
– Create digital graphics
– Learn 3D/2D drawing tips & tricks
– Learn how to draw digital characters from Pokémon, Avengers, Harry Potter, Disney, Mandalorian, Roblox, Goku from Dragon Ball, Manga, Anime, Realistic Portraits techniques and many others…

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Essential Hardware For Using Procreate
The latest version of the Procreate for iPad app is 4.2.1, and it requires an iPad running iOS 11.1 or newer. That means the latest version of Procreate can run on all five of the iPad models currently on sale from Apple: iPad Pro (12.9-in., 11-in., and 10.5-in. models), iPad (6th Generation, 2018) and iPad Mini 4.

Previous iPad models capable of running the latest version of Procreate are iPad Pro 9.7-in., iPad 5th Generation (2017), iPad Air, iPad Air 2, and iPad Mini 2 and 3. Older versions of Procreate run on many older iPad models.

To get the full, up-to-date Procreate experience, you’ll want to have one of the two iPad models that arrived in November 2018: the 12.9-in. or 11-in. iPad Pro. These two models are the only devices compatible with the new Apple Pencil.
The Benefits Of Using Procreate
Procreate makes it easy to organize your artwork in a gallery format familiar to Photoshop users; import files from other devices and locations; use hand gestures to zoom in and out of your artwork and undo changes to work. You can also perform professional-level compositing and adjustment of layers and generally create and develop your artwork at a speed that can keep up with your imagination.
Perhaps most important to many seasoned professionals, Procreate offers easy integration with existing workflows — you can move back and forth between other apps and platforms as required by your preferred methods, your clients, or the needs of a specific project. There are other professional-grade digital art apps available, but at the moment none match the power, flexibility, and complete functionality and feature-set of Procreate.
Essential Hardware For Using ProcreateThe latest version of the Procreate for iPad app is 4.2.1, and it requires an iPad running iOS 11.1 or newer. That means the latest version of Procreate can run on all five of the iPad models currently on sale from Apple: iPad Pro (12.9-in., 11-in., and 10.5-in. models), iPad (6th Generation, 2018) and iPad Mini 4.Previous iPad models capable of running the latest version of Procreate are iPad Pro 9.7-in., iPad 5th Generation (2017), iPad Air, iPad Air 2, and iPad Mini 2 and 3. Older versions of Procreate run on many older iPad models.To get the full, up-to-date Procreate experience, you’ll want to have one of the two iPad models that arrived in November 2018: the 12.9-in. or 11-in. iPad Pro. These two models are the only devices compatible with the new Apple Pencil.
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Course details
Duration 60min
Lectures 12
Video 60 min
Level Beginner
Full lifetime access
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